Planning market entry – successfully placing products and services


Developing innovative products and services is one side of a successful business. Bringing these to the right customers quickly and profitably is the other.

But even after a successful launch of new offerings, the go-to-market settings continuously must be reviewed again. Quite simply, go-to-market is about money. Because the previously planned income now actually must be realized, and marketing and sales expenditures need to be precisely fine-tuned to realize income in the end.

Current developments present us with a number of challenges: Rapid technological development steps are shortening product life cycles, digitization increases complexity in omni-channel sales, and the globalization and increasing transparency of markets increase competitive pressure.


The following factors are decisive for a successful go-to-market:

  • Excellent understanding of the markets, their demand structures and of all relevant competitors and players
  • Selecting the right target group – segmentation without targeting is useless
  • Targeted design of all touchpoints along the customer journey
  • Developing a convincing positioning and value proposition
  • Powerful and cost-efficient customer communication in the multi-channel- setup – using moving image formats, especially when positioning complex solution products
  • Permanent further development of the service offering in line with customer interests, iterative tests with MVPs and beta customers
  • Using creative, experienced and professional resources – both when planning and implementing individual actions
Video samples

Example illustration of a complex solution range on the basis of a video

Demonstrating a software product interface, combined with animation

Actual software product demos, coupled with lively animation, creates a powerful combination. GP+S can add your recorded software demos and screen shots to animation explaining your key value propositions for a unique sales tool.

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Explaining innovative solutions with both animation and cost-effective stock footage

The combination of stock footage and entertaining animation helps keep a viewer’s attention from start to finish. GP+S can enhance your video with a wide range of cost-effective stock footage.

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Interviewing technology experts, combined with lively animation

A lively discussion can be created by editing together inputs recorded by each speaker in their own home or office with a simple phone or tablet. GP+S can sync this all together, weaving in animation to illustrate key points, creating an insightful video interview between your technology experts.

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