Initial Situation
ROI case studies are a critical sales instrument that can be leveraged to win new customers. Many customers ask how long it will take for them to achieve Return-on-Investment (ROI) and what overall financial benefits they will reap through an investment.
The GP+S client, a vendor of commercial software solutions keen on expanding its market share among midsize businesses, the company was looking for relevant ROI case studies in the midmarket space. The sales effectiveness and credibility of case studies are known to depend on the peer factor: midsize companies have more faith in case studies involving other midsize companies. However, the client only had large enterprise case studies at its disposal. In this project, GP+S created a total of five case studies. The objective of these case studies was to address smaller as well as upper-tier midsize companies in a number of European countries and in the U.S.
GP+S Services
- Implementation of a new process for identifying ROI case study candidates and selection of candidates in collaboration with the client’s sales organization
- Development of a methodology and a toolset for the efficient analysis and calculation of the ROI and other benefits achieved
- Efficiently contacting a large number of customers in order to recruit potential candidates for case studies. Verification of candidates’ willingness to participate in the GP+S case studies
- Issue of a methodology toolset for ROI calculation and other commercial benefits achieved by customers
- Conducting phone interviews to gather detailed information for the ROI calculation and the case study. Key contacts included: general management, business users, IT management
- Development of ROI case studies for worldwide use
- Publication of case studies in the GP+S look and feel; client is mentioned as sponsor
- Within a short space of time, GP+S was able to provide five ROI case studies of midsize customers in the U.S. and in Germany
- The facts and figures presented in these case studies support the client’s sales organization in the sales process, helping to increase sales returns
- Positive ROI messages have made the solution more popular among the client’s sales partners
- The client’s midsize market sales team chose these ROI case studies as their preferred sales support collateral