IT Technology
Our references from IT Technology


The IT sector is proverbially in the “eye of the tornado” of global digital change in economies and societies. IT hardware, IT software and IT service companies provide the tools with which business processes are consistently digitized, customer interactions are carried out at any time and on all devices, facilities and systems are controlled and intelligent control information can be generated from endless data points.

All actors face the challenge that despite a high degree of innovation, established companies have their own legacy, which they have to transfer into a “cloud first” world, for them and their customers. They face “new” actors here, who have developed their operating models purely from the perspective of platform business models and present their challenge through stringent usability, interface openness and scalability.

All actors taken together face the task of developing capabilities, offering their own business value added in order not only to achieve business-IT alignment, but also to enable business-IT integration.