Initial situation
The GP+S client offers a broad range of telecommunication services to consumers and business customers. The ever-growing pricing pressure for telecommunication services and the resulting pressure on the company’s margin forced the management to start a concerted efficiency improvement initiative. Core of the initiative should be the optimization of the organizational structure and processes of the company which evolved during the past years of growth. GP+S was asked to support in identifying measures for an efficiency increase and to provide a planning tool, which allows to centrally manage and monitor the implementation of the measures.
GP+S Services
- Identification of efficiency improvement measures along the whole value chain of the company. Those fundamental approaches were the basis for the discussions in a kick-off meeting with all project members of the client
- Development of measure profiles, which should be validated and developed in more detail by the members of the involved departments
- Development of a governance model for the central management of the program (structure, persons in charge, reporting)
- Development of a KPI model to measure the impact of the efficiency increase initiative
- Within the initiative substantial optimization measures could be identified – which had significant input on the companies bottom line
- Apart from that the participation in the initiative, increased the awareness of employees for revenue impacts of single processes
- The developed central coordination tool supported a fast implementation of the program – through continuous monitoring and reporting of the implementation progress